Device Setup

What you will need
" 1. Apple iPhone or iPad running iOS version 9.0 or later, an Android smartphone or Android tablet running version 4.1 or later, or a computer with wifi capability
2. Wi-fi router connected to the internet
3. Wi-fi network password
4. SkyCentrics device ACM label which came with your device (see instructions below on how to find it)"

Apple iPhone or iPad
1. Download the SkyCentrics app from the iTunes App Store
"2. Open the app and sign up for a SkyCentrics account
Check your email from SkyCentrics asking you to confirm your accountsetup"
"3. Select “Set Up Device”
Go to Settings on your iPhone or iPad and selectWifi
Select the network that features the last six digits of the serial number on the SCN label
The app will ask you to “Scan Code” or “Enter Manually”
Scan code: the camera will open automatically. Point the camera at the square QR code on the ACM label. It will take a picture and move on to the next screen when done.
Enter manually: enter the six digit code from the ACM label and press OK"
"4. Connect to your Wi-fi network
Press “SSID” and select your homeWi-fi network then type in your passowrd (note: it is case sensitive)"
If you cannot see your Wi-Fi network check your Wi-Fi connection strength and network settings
5. Give your device aname and select “Add Device”
6. Take the tour to see how controlling and scheduling your device from your smartphone can save you energy and keep your home comfortable when you are there
If you get a message saying “Problem Detected” see below how to reset your device and get connected

Android Smartphone or Tablet
1. Download theSkyCentricsapp from the Google Play Store
"2. Open the app and sign up for aSkyCentricsaccount
Check your email fromSkyCentricsasking you to confirm your account setup"
"3. Click on “Set Up Device”
Select the device with a six digit number that matches the one on the SCN label
Point the device's camera squarely at the ACM label until it tales a picture"
"4. Click SSID and select your home Wi-fi network from the list
Enter your Wi-fi network password carefully (note: it is case sensitive)
Press ""Done"" then ""Next"""
5. Give your device a name (any one you like)
6. Take the tour to see how controlling and scheduling your device from your smartphone can save you energy and keep your home comfortable when you are there
If you get a message saying “Problem Detected” see below how to reset your device

Setting up the SkyCentrics ACM on your computer
"1. Go to If you have set up an account already using one of the SkyCentrics apps log in using the same account details. Otherwise, follow the instructions to set up a new account.
Note: check your email for an email from SkyCentrics asking you to confirm your account setup."
2. Click on "Add Device"
3. Give your device a name. Group will default to "Group 1". You should not need to change this.
4. Enter the serial number and device code from the ACM label
5. Select "AO Smith device" from the menu
6. Go to your Wi-fi settings and select the network with the same name as the device serial number
7. Open a new tab in your browser and type in
8. Select your home Wi-fi network from the list and enter your Wi-fi network password. The click "Connect to Network"
6. Go to your Wi-fi settings and select your home network
7. Return to and log in. Your device may take up to 45 seconds to appear.
If your device does not appear or you get an error message reset your device

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